Monthly Archives: December 2024
Preparing Your Home to Sell
Amid all the other essential steps in the home-selling process, one of the more undervalued yet impactful tasks is preparing the property itself. Showcasing it in its best light can not only attract more potential buyers but also potentially lead to better offers and even a quicker sale. Read More
What Will It Take for Prices To Come Down?
There are more people who want to buy a home than there are homes available to purchase. That’s what drives prices up. Let’s break that down and explore why, nationally, home prices aren’t going to be coming down anytime soon. Read More
Seasonal Moving Tips
You can’t always choose when you’re making a move, and sometimes, unfortunately, it falls during a time of year that brings greater logistical and emotional challenges. If you must move during the holiday season or shortly after, here’s how to simplify the process while also taking care of yourself and your family. Read More
Why More Sellers Are Hiring Real Estate Agents
Putting your house for sale on your own might be on your mind. But you should know that it gets complicated very quickly, especially in today’s complex market. That’s why data from the National Association of Realtors shows a record low number are going the route of selling on their own. Read More
Sell Your House During the Winter Sweet Spot
A lot of people assume spring is the ideal time to sell a house. And sure, buyer demand usually picks up at that time of year. But here’s the catch: so does your competition because a lot of people put their homes on the market at the same time. Read More