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Top 500!

I am so happy to have achieved this goal and I want to give a huge, heartfelt thank you and virtual hug to my clients and friends for their business and referrals! Also, love and thanks to my family who continue to understand and support me as I chase my dream of serving others with their real estate goals. I couldn’t be here without Joe Plunk and my amazing kids! I value each of you who helped me these last few years, and I am honored to be your agent and friend.

Congratulations to my fellow agents who achieved this goal this year!

Top 10% in the Memphis Market
Top 10% in the Memphis Market

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Kimmer Plunk

Based in Memphis and serving clients in West Tennessee and Northwest Mississippi. Serving others is a reward of its own and part of what makes me happy, and I've been doing that for 30 years through various activities including Girl Scouts, PTO, various board positions, unhoused ministry, and professional, award-winning teaching. I treat others the way that I want to be treated including being readily available, listening to your desires, answering your questions thoroughly, and walking you through the home purchase process. My ultimate goal is to see that you find the home of your dreams and experience the least amount of stress during the process.

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